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Hours: 2
Price: $45.00

* Indicate course duration. The course is not for credit hours


Hours: 2*
Price: $45.00


Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure – $45

This course provides an in-depth review of the federal requirements for SPCC plans and a complete analysis of the development of SPCC rules & regulations. Development of SPCC plans requires detailed knowledge of the facility and the potential effects of any oil spill. This course provides information about the current SCPP regulations, contingency plans, facility response plans, and reporting requirements to help prevent oil spills that could reach navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines.

Spill Prevention and Release Reporting – $45

This course presents an in-depth view of the federal requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans. It also provides a complete analysis of the development of SPCC rules and regulations. Development of SPCC plans requires detailed knowledge of the facility and the potential effects of any oil spill. Thus, this course includes such information as the current SPCC regulations, contingency plans, facility response plan, and reporting requirements to help prevent oil spills that could reach navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines.

What is Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Training? 

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Training is designed to instruct individuals and organizations on the effective measures required to prevent, control, and counteract oil spills in industrial settings. This training is particularly pertinent for facilities that handle and store significant quantities of oil and oil-based products, such as refineries and manufacturing plants. Participants in SPCC training learn about regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and the development and implementation of SPCC plans to safeguard against the environmental and safety hazards posed by oil spills.

The curriculum typically covers key components such as identifying potential spill risks, creating comprehensive SPCC plans, and understanding the appropriate response procedures in case of a spill. Additionally, SPCC Training addresses regulatory requirements, ensuring that participants understand their responsibilities under environmental laws. By providing knowledge and skills in spill prevention and response, this training contributes to the overall protection of the environment, reduction of potential liabilities, and compliance with environmental regulations governing oil-handling facilities.

Who Needs to Take Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure? 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule applies to facilities with specific criteria related to above ground and buried oil storage capacities. A facility is subject to the SPCC rule if it has an aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity exceeding 1,320 U.S. gallons and if there is a reasonable expectation of an oil discharge reaching nearby U.S. waters or shorelines. This criterion encompasses a broad range of industrial sites, including but not limited to oil refineries, chemical plants, and manufacturing facilities.

Furthermore, facilities with a completely buried storage capacity exceeding 42,000 U.S. gallons and a reasonable expectation of an oil discharge are also mandated to develop and implement an SPCC plan. This provision accounts for potential risks associated with underground storage facilities, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in preventing and mitigating oil spills. Overall, the SPCC rule establishes clear thresholds for oil storage capacities and focuses on facilities where the risk of oil discharge poses a potential threat to the environment and water bodies. Compliance with these regulations is essential for minimizing environmental impact, ensuring safety, and meeting legal obligations within the industrial sector.

How often should SPCC plans be reviewed and updated, and what factors might trigger the need for revisions?

SPCC plans should be regularly reviewed and updated at least every five years, as mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, more frequent updates may be necessary in response to specific triggers, such as changes in facility design, operations, or oil storage capacities. Additionally, modifications in equipment, technology, or regulatory requirements may warrant immediate revisions to ensure the continued effectiveness and compliance of the SPCC plan. Regular inspections, facility expansions, and changes in personnel responsible for plan implementation are also factors that might trigger the need for updates. The goal is to keep the SPCC plan current, reflective of the facility’s operations, and aligned with the latest best practices and regulatory standards for spill prevention and response.

What does SPCC training cover, and how does it prepare individuals to implement spill prevention measures in industrial settings?

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) training encompasses a comprehensive curriculum aimed at equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to mitigate the risk of oil spills in industrial settings. Participants delve into regulatory frameworks, gaining an understanding of environmental laws such as the Clean Water Act and Oil Pollution Act. The training emphasizes the importance of risk assessment, guiding individuals in identifying potential spill hazards within their facilities and assessing the associated risks. Additionally, participants learn to develop and implement robust SPCC plans tailored to their specific operations, covering aspects like containment measures, spill response protocols, and strategies to prevent oil discharges.

Furthermore, SPCC training focuses on cultivating a proactive approach to spill prevention. This includes educating participants on best practices for facility design, maintenance, and operational procedures to minimize the likelihood of spills. The curriculum addresses the significance of regular plan reviews and updates to adapt to changes in facility conditions, technology, or regulatory requirements. By providing a thorough understanding of both preventive measures and response strategies, SPCC training ensures that individuals are well-prepared to safeguard against oil spills, protect the environment, and maintain compliance with applicable regulations in industrial settings.

What is Spill Prevention and Release Reporting Training? 

Spill Prevention and Release Reporting Training is a specialized program designed to educate individuals and organizations on the proactive measures to prevent spills of hazardous substances and ensure compliance with reporting requirements in the event of a release. This training is particularly essential for industries handling potentially harmful materials, helping participants understand the importance of preventing environmental damage and safeguarding public health. The curriculum typically covers various aspects, including risk assessments, spill prevention strategies, and the development of effective response plans tailored to the specific needs of the facility.

One significant focus of Spill Prevention and Release Reporting Training is on regulatory compliance. Participants learn about the legal obligations associated with timely reporting of spills, understanding the criteria for reporting, and the required documentation for adherence to environmental regulations. This training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to navigate the regulatory landscape, ensuring that they can fulfill their responsibilities in the event of a spill or release. By combining preventive measures and regulatory compliance, this training contributes to a more resilient and responsible approach to handling hazardous substances, reducing the impact of spills on the environment and public health.



SPCC Training


For Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Training, VISIT HAZWOP.COM